Table of Contents
Vol. I - Origin, Structure, Dynamics and Plant Use
In the first volume, we examine in detail the vegetation, its structure, dynamics and presumed origin. Emphasis is on the adaptational features of plants in relation to their physical environment, in particular climate, soil conditions and fire. Further, we discuss the utility to humans of cerrado plants, the influence of man upon this ecosystem, and confront some of the problems associated with conservation politics.
Map with Major Localities Cited in the Text
- Introduction
- Definition of Cerrado and Distinction From Other Vegetation Types
- Geographical Location and Extension of the Cerrado Biome
- Geology, Geomorphology, Paleoclimate, Paleoecological Changes and Origin of Cerrado
- Climate
- Soil Properties and Soil, Vegetation and Plant Relationships
- Vegetation Physiognomy
- Other Vegetation Types in the Cerrado Region and Transitional Forms
- The Origin of the Cerrado Flora
- Floristic Diversity and Community Structure
- Plant Physiognomy, Life Forms, Growth Forms and Underground Organs
- Tree Age, Growth Rate and Growth Rhythm
- Water Balance, Nutrient Availability, and Xeromorphic and Scleromorphic Features of Cerrado Plants
- Fire and its Influence on Plants and Vegetation
- Frost and its Effects on Species Distribution in the Southern Cerrado Region
- Seasonality and Vegetation Rhythm
- Seed Germination, Seedling Establishment and Cerrado Regeneration Capacity
- Utility of Cerrado Plants and their Economic Potential
- Transformation of Cerrado into Cropland and Pasture, Environmental Consequences and Influence on Soil Dynamics
- Amerindians and Cerrado
- Importance and Future of Cerrado
General Index
Index of Plant Names
Vol. II - Pollination and Seed Dispersal
In the second volume, pollination and seed dispersal phenomena are described, and emphasis placed on how these processes, essentially plant-animal interrelationships, are critical to the maintenance and regeneration of this ecosystem.
- Introduction
- Events and Processes Leading to Reproduction and Seed Formation
- Generalist Insect-Pollinated Species Usually Having Bees as Principal Visitors of Day-Active Flowers
- Generalist Flowers Having a Greater Beetle Component
- Generalist Flowers Having an Occasional Beetle Component
- Pollen-Flowers in Dilleniaceae, Clusiaceae, Myrtaceae and Mimosaceae
- Species Pollinated by Small and Medium-Sized Bees
- Choripetalous Open or Partially Constricted Nectar-Flowers
- Choripetalous Open Pollen-Flowers
- Choripetalous Papilionoid Nectar-Flowers
- Sympetalous Actinomorphic or Zygomorphic Nectar-Flowers
- Flowers with Explosive Release of Pollen
- Pollination by Resin-Collecting Bees
- Species with Nectar-Flowers Pollinated by Large Bees
- Choripetalous Actinomorphic or Zygomorphic Flowers
- Choripetalous Papilionoid Flowers
- Sympetalous Flowers
- Floral Ecology of Bee-Pollinated Bignoniaceae
- Superimposed Pollination Systems in Jacaranda
- Oxaea flavescens: Nectar Robber or Pollinator?
- Buzz Pollination in Pollen-Flowers Having Poricidal Anthers
- Pollination of Solanum lycocarpum and Ouratea Flowers
- Multistaminate Large Flowers of Cochlospermum
- The Riddle of Mass-Flowering Miconia Species
- Flower Structures and Pollination in Cassiinae: Variations on a Theme
- Oil-Flowers and Oil-Collecting Bees
- The Native Cerrado Bee Fauna and the Introduced Honeybee
- Scarcity of Fly Pollination
- Cerrado Palms: From General Entomophily with Bees Predominating to Cantharophily
- In the Evening When the Beetles Come: Pollination in Annonaceae and Philodendron
- The Opportunists: Butterflies
- Generalist Night- (and Day)-Active Flowers, with Increasing Tendency Towards Moth (Nocturnal Lepidoptera) Pollination
- Moth Pollination
- Pollination and Evolution in Vochysiaceae
- The Silent Pollinators: Bats
- Hummingbirds and their Flowers
- Wind Pollination
- Pollination and Floral Biology in One Hectare of Cerrado
- Pollination and Floral Biology within Cerrado sensu lato and as Compared to Other Vegetation Types
- Sex Expression and Breeding Systems
- Herbivory and its Links to Reproduction and Regeneration; Parasitic Fungi and Myxomycetes
- Ants and Termites and their Influence on Plants and Vegetation
- Animals and their Role as Seed Dispersal Agents
- The Study of Dispersal in Cerrado Vegetation
- Field Work and Methods Used During Studies of Dispersal Phenomena in Two Plots of Cerrado sensu stricto and Cerradão in Botucatu
- Principal Dispersal Modes, their Relation to Height Classes and Examples of Dispersal Phenomena in the Cerrado sensu stricto Hectare, Botucatu
- Dispersal and Trypanocarpy in Grasses
- Relationship Between the Morphology of Dispersal Units and their Dispersal
- Observations on Hygroscopic Movements of Awns
- Modes of Zoochory in the Cerrado sensu stricto Hectare and their Relationship to Height Classes
- Dispersal Modes Related to Fruiting Time in the Cerrado sensu stricto Hectare
- Dispersal Modes in the Cerradão Hectare as Compared with the Cerrado sensu stricto Hectare in Botucatu
- Distribution Pattern in Relation to Dispersal Mode
General Index
Index of Plant Names
Index of Animal Names